Orcas, Numbats & Birds of the South West - an exclusive Australian Geographic Wildlife Adventure

Da AUD A$ 5.490,00
  • Durata: 7 Giorni (circa)
  • Luogo: Perth, Western Australia
  • Codice prodotto: OrcaNumbats

7 Day Southwest WA Wildlife tour: Perth - Pemberton - Walpole - Albany - Bremer
Bay - Narrogin - Perth

Western Australia is an ancient land that has been around for billions of years. Even the mountain ranges are over a billion years old. It has also been isolated from the east by oceans and deserts, leading it to have a huge array of endemic species. 14 endemic birds, 30 endemic reptiles, 12 endemic mammals, 20 endemic amphibians and over 4,000 endemic vascular plants. Highlights of the 280 species of birds are the Carnaby’s and Baudin’s Black Cockatoos, Red-Capped Parrots, Red-Eared Firetails, Western Spinebills and theWestern Whipbird. We have a very good chance to see 12 of the 14 endemics. In terms of reptiles - the Dugite, Bardick, South Western Water Monitor, South Western Carpet Python and South Western Shingleback are the highlights and all possibles on the tour.
Amphibians are aptly named, such as the motorbike frog, the ticking frog and the rattling froglet, and there are over 4,500 vascular plants in the region, half of which are only found here. The mammals are what makes this tour stand out though. 

The orcas may be the namesake of the tour, and there is extremely high chances of sighting them in Bremer Bay, but this trip also provides opportunities to see Numbats, Brush-tailed Bettongs, Burrowing Bettongs, Bilbies, Honey Possums, Western Ring-tailed Possums, Blue Whales, Sperm Whales, Pilot Whales, Western Brown Bandicoots and Quokkas.


● Join the world-renowned cruise out to the Bremer Canyon in search of the
local Orcas that call this area home. On this tour, we also have the chance to
see blue whales, sperm whales, long-finned pilot whales and an array of
pelagics, including albatross, shearwaters and petrels; 

● A 2.5 hour Eco Cruise of the Walpole-Nornalup Inlets Marine Park, searching
for wildlife, but also learning about the region from locals of the area; 

● Venture to Dryandra Woodlands, where we join a guided spotlight walk at
Barna Mia, a predator-proof animal sanctuary, where we will hope to see
bilbies, burrowing and brush-tailed bettongs and western brown bandicoots. 

● Discover the cultural history of the Noongar Nation that have called this region
home for over 30,000 years at the The Kodja Place, in Kojonup 

● Search the giant karri trees Eucalyptus diversicolor in the forests surrounding
Pemberton for Baudins and Carnaby’s Black Cockatoos; 

● Spend some time in Bunbury looking for whales off shore, or the endemic
birds in the wetlands and lakes; 

● Be in awe of the Giant Tingle Tree, a Red Tingle Tree Eucalyptus jacksonii,
that is only 30 metres tall, but has a circumference of over 22 metres!! 

● Go night spotting in search of South Western Carpet Pythons, Honey
Possums, Western Brown Bandicoots and Quokkas; 

● Take a walk in the 1.1 billion Year old granite peaks of the Porongurups,
meaning “Totem” to the local Noongar people; 

● Drop into the eastern section of the Stirling Ranges, a 1.2 billion year old
sandstone and metamorphic range, where we can either look out the the vast
plains to the north, or the dramatic peaks that poke up from the park to the

● Participate in an important citizen science program looking into the impact of
climate change on wildlife and vegetation

Find the full itinerary on our website:
